Monday, January 20, 2014

Home Cleaning Uses for Vinegar

Everyone knows you can use vinegar to clean your windows and counters, but did you know that you can use it to repel ants and fruit flies as well?  One of the many amazing home cleaning uses for vinegar includes ridding your pantry of pesky insects.  Discourage ants by spraying undiluted white distilled vinegar outside doorways and windowsills and around appliances.   Fruit flies will be repelled by a dish of vinegar set on the counter near ripening fruits.

Other interesting home cleaning uses for vinegar include getting rid of those mineral stains in long necked vases or oddly shaped bottles.  Just add water and vinegar and let set for a few hours, then pour in a little uncooked rice, shake well, pour out and rinse.  Voila!  Sparkle plenty!  After you’ve cleaned your vases, slip on some cotton gloves, dip the fingers in a mix of equal parts vinegar and warm water, and run them across the blinds on your windows for a quick and easy solution to dust and grime.

Do you have decals on your window that resist removal?  One powerful home cleaning use for vinegar is to soak a sponge in undiluted vinegar and hold it over the decal for a few minutes.  Then peel and remove.  This also works to remove hardened paint spatter on windows. Once you discover the many home cleaning uses for inexpensive vinegar you can start replacing toxic (and expensive) cleaning solutions with this wonderful, useful pantry necessity.

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