Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Making Homemade Cleaners

Want a break from today’s toxic overload?  Then you should consider making your own homemade cleaners.  Most modern cleaning products are based on formulas passed down through generations.  These original formulas used natural ingredients that offered little, if any, danger or toxicity to the user.  Going back to the original naturally derived ingredients is a way to make cleaning products that work, don’t pollute and save you money. Most ingredients are simple, inexpensive and easy to find.  Best of all, making homemade cleaners cost about 1/10th the price of the ones in the grocery store, and you can control the strength and scent of your homemade products.

Basic supplies include: baking soda, white vinegar, rubbing alcohol, washing soda (can be found near laundry detergent in most stores), borax (also in laundry section), mild dish detergent, and essential oils for scent (optional).  You can save empty milk jugs for making your homemade cleaners in order to store large quantities that you can decant into smaller bottles or spray bottles, which can be purchased in most stores.

After experimenting with a number of recipes and finding the ones that suit you and your cleaning needs the best, I think you will agree that making homemade cleaners is easy and fun!

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