Saturday, November 16, 2013

Make your Home Beautiful by Growing Houseplants

Houseplants not only make the house look beautiful but they can also filter out harmful chemicals in the air thereby purifying it. It may seem tedious to tend to houseplants but actually it’s very low maintenance and satisfactorily rewarding at the end of the day since the home looks more inviting and livelier. If you want to pick up this hobby, below are some tips to help you grow house plants and make your house look attractive.

  • Look for the best spots in your house where your plants would look attractive. On the other hand, look for places where the plants would grow perfectly without damage from the sunlight or high humidity. Don’t place the plants near heating elements since this will dry them completely or areas with frequent fluctuations of temperature.
  • Place the plants in spots which would liven up the décor of the room. For instance, you can place the plants in the bathroom where there are no windows just to make the room lively. Note that, choosing the best location to place houseplants is a tug of war between the plant’s need for sustenance and survival as well as your need for decoration, so choose the best spot after eliminating all the rest.
  • You can grow different types of plants in different spots in your house. Different plants can survive under different conditions; therefore place the plants in different spots in the house depending on how well they would survive there.
  • For decoration purposes, you can switch plants in different positions as long as they can do well in another spot. If you notice that one plant is growing faster, you can change it to place where it wouldn’t cause damage with its length.

In conclusion, how well a house plant thrives depends on how well you take care of it.

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