Monday, January 6, 2014

Beautiful Home Habits

Did you know that if you do this one thing every day, your home will be more beautiful? Sounds intriguing, right?  I like to call these little tips beautiful home habits, because if you become used to incorporating them into your daily life, you will find it very easy to have and keep a beautiful home.
So here’s the thing:  every time you walk into a room, do just one thing to make it look nicer. That’s it.  Just one.  If you are walking through the living room to your bedroom and there is a sweater on the chair, take it with you and hang it up.  In fact, every time you go into your closet for something, hang up an item that is on the floor or shelf a pair of shoes.  After you wash your face, wipe down the sink with a towel before putting it the hamper.  When you flush the toilet, give it a swish with the toilet brush.  While you take a shower, give the walls a quick once-over with a squeegee.

These beautiful home habits don’t take the place of weekly cleaning, but they do make weekly cleaning a whole lot easier.  So the next time you have to clean the toilet it will only take you two minutes instead of ten, because there won’t be a dirty ring to scrub off.   You will still have to clean your bathroom counters, but now you don’t have to take time scrubbing the dried toothpaste.  In all, beautiful home habits are a simple and easy addition to your home cleaning routine that will save you time as well as beautify your surroundings.

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